Who’s Considered Electric Vehicles in 2019?

Who’s has Considered Electric Vehicles in 2019? With 2020 fast approaching, we at EMC have taken a huge journey in understanding our customer needs this year. In order for us to do this we have been busy researching and reflecting who is in the market and why individuals or businesses would even consider Electric Vehicles? […]
The Electric Vehicle Industry – The Update.

The Electric Vehicle Industry – The Update In this latest article, discover the electric vehicle industry updates for 2019. We at EMC want to keep you informed so you have a full picture of whats going on the Electric Vehicle industry. Lets start with the big name in the industry, a brand that has revolutionized […]
The Hydrogen Station everyone is talking about: A Report.

The Hydrogen Station Everyone is Talking About: A Report. We talked incentives, the industry, benefits of Electric Vehicles and more. All of these things are coming to fruition recently. The evidence – the new hydrogen station in Altona, Victoria. Thanks to Toyota and the backing of Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA), it shows a forward move […]