The Electric Golf Cart

MY20 Vantage Golf Cart Range

The Electric Golf Cart Now known as the Electric Golf Cart, some may still reference it as a golf buggy. Electric golf carts have been getting better and better. Which the electric motors going from strength to strength, whether it be AC or a DC motor, newer technologies have allowed the leaps and bounds of […]

Who’s Considered Electric Vehicles in 2019?

Who’s has Considered Electric Vehicles in 2019? With 2020 fast approaching, we at EMC have taken a huge journey in understanding our customer needs this year. In order for us to do this we have been busy researching and reflecting who is in the market and why individuals or businesses would even consider Electric Vehicles? […]

The MY20 Vantage Golf Cart Range

Take a Look at Our MY20 Golf Cart Range… Are you excited to start a new golf season this Spring/Summer? Do it in style with the new and improved range of the MY20 Vantage Golf Carts. We have the range to suit whatever you desire when it comes to your new golf cart for this […]