The Electric Vehicle Industry - The Update
In this latest article, discover the electric vehicle industry updates for 2019. We at EMC want to keep you informed so you have a full picture of whats going on the Electric Vehicle industry. Lets start with the big name in the industry, a brand that has revolutionized the PEV industry and is playing an active role in the solution of the carbon footprint – Tesla.
The CEO of Tesla Elon Musk is setting the benchmark for worldwide competition of Electric Vehicles and it shows. A report by Statista has quoted that nearly 100,000 cars have been delivered so far in 2019; and the industry as a whole, is getting stronger as 2020 looms. So does the competition, with home-grown companies in China like BJEV, a subsidiary of Beijing Automotive Group, a leading automaker in China can see the value for continuing in the EV market, despite the fear of the fad mentality.
Technology advancements in the electric car making industry are still giving us more and more excitement as consumers see the outweighing benefits of an all-electric infrastructure, when it comes to our car industry. Bloomberg data boasts 3.3% of new passenger car sales devoted to pure electrics alone in China. Not to mention the variations that are starting to come about for different car models, with plug in hybrids for example.
Bring Australia into the Picture…
Within the electric vehicle industry, the key thing for Australia, and in fact any country to fully commit to the zero emissions target is changing our infrastructure to suit electric vehicles. A recent article published by has announced that an American company is planning to ramp up the infrastructure process, in turn solving the inherit problem that most countries have with the lack of infrastructure within Australia. The main aim of the project is to see more fast charging points established around Australia, on 42 sites to be exact. This will cover a vast network of charging stations situated around Australia to service the needs of electric vehicles, and their users. The aim is to have the sites set up with easy payment stations for the regular consumer to use. One the best things about these stations are that they fit into our fast paced lifestyle.
The plan is to have an easy app to use for payment, so you can set it up on your latest smart device to make on the go payments as you please, without waiting for the bill. The network they plan to set up is so advance, it will operate with a digital platform for electric car users to monitor and track their usage and level of charge whilst they are on the go. The company will advertise “select charging locations” said to be like a regular petrol station for the traditional car. The main aim is to increase the interest and ultimately sales of electric vehicles, and so reducing that EV range anxiety that is a real problem buyers have faced since the introduction of electric cars for the consumer. The age old saying of knowledge is power suits this inevitable change that is coming to Australia. The more consumers understand the industry, and factors such as the batteries and how to maintain the electric vehicle; the anxiety will subside for most that are hesitate to commit to this lifestyle change will help decrease the anxiety. The EV Connect CEO Jordan Ramer, promises more transparency in the information supplied about electric vehicles in general for potential buyers and users of electric vehicles. The use of the sites will encourage a diverse range of drivers of existing electric vehicles, to encourage longer drives to reach the electric vehicle customer experience to a higher level.
Electric Vehicles: The Ever-Changing Technology Ecosystem.
A recent research article from the Online Journal Science Direct; conducted an extensive investigation in the growth of the Electric vehicle market. The data collected dates back to 2003 looking into the ebb and flow of the overall growth of the Electric vehicle Industry. The experimental stage of the industry is always going to be in the background given the nature of the business. Electricity and technology will forever be a forward thinking entity when it comes to Electric vehicles, and one that Australia should be an integral part of. In the beginning, the policies, regulations and attitude were the problems. Since then these issues have been ironed out and more and more companies are stepping to the plate. The leaders such as Tesla and BJEV have set the playing field for companies like Chevrolet in America to assess their existing products and expand their ranges into Electrics. We can now see an evolution of emerging products coming to the market with these companies such as Nissan, setting up in house battery supplies and customised control panels for PEV’s with the company Chery.
Particularly in Asian markets, we can see that China have set a good example for a lot of electric vehicle manufacturing from government subsidies to grants welcomed by the Chinese to grow the industry. Companies such as Jiayuan are offering low cost solutions when it comes to electric vehicles. Jiayuan EV, being a company that focusing on the basic components of electric vehicles with their brand focusing on the base products such as the motors, controllers, batteries and charging systems offers consumers a cheaper option. Whereas companies like Kandi are developing PEVs for a car sharing business, a vision which fits the ideals of the Paris agreement with Zero emissions in mind.
The End Game
The overall idea to make electric vehicles are reality and not just a fad or seen as too expensive to buy for the regular consumer. The notion has already hit industrial markets, such as commercial warehouses, government facilities and they are reaping the benefits of choosing electric over traditional fuel consumption. We at EMC have provided many different industries their electric vehicle solutions for such industries.
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